Saturday, February 16, 2013

10 Most Common Health Diagnoses for Dogs

With dogs -- just as with humans -- prevention is always better than the need for a cure when it comes to health. Be diligent! Every month you should check your dog carefully and systematically for possible early signs of illness. Keep in mind some stoic dogs are very good at hiding ill health or pain, so be vigilant. Some issues are preventable and some are not, but being precautious always helps. Here is a health checklist to keep you on track; these are the 10 most-diagnosed issues for dogs.

1. Ear Infections
Otitis externa, commonly referred to as an “ear infection,” is a condition characterized by inflammation of the external ear canal. It affects up to 20 percent of dogs, especially those with floppy ears. You can prevent ear infections by gently drying your dog’s ears after bathing or swimming. It’s a good idea to take a look into their ears at least once a week. Problems are far easier to treat if they’re detected early. If you notice any odor, redness or discharge from your dog's ears, please call your right away.

2. Skin Allergies/Dermatitis
Most skin allergies derive from fleas -- the most common cause -- or substances in the environment such as pollen and mold. There is not much you can do to prevent airborne allergens but you can prevent flea problems by putting your dog on a good year-round flea preventative – with the emphasis on year-round because fleas can survive indoors throughout winter. Frequent vacuuming and the changing of air filters also can cut down on the amount of allergens your dog might inhale.

3. Diarrhea
Almost all dog owners are familiar with this condition characterized by loose, watery stool. The most common causes are the ingestion of table scraps and spoiled food, excess plant material, and a sudden change in food.

4. Vomiting
At one time or another, your dog may have a bout of vomiting. Usually he or she will have eaten something disagreeable, eaten too much or too fast, exercised too soon after eating, or is suffering from any number of non-serious conditions. To prevent vomiting don't give your dog table food, change their food gradually, and monitor the dog to assure he or she is not eating things that can’t be digested.

5. Pyoderma
This common condition is a skin bacterial infection. There are several causes; some are more easily prevented than others. The best ways to curb pyoderma are to prevent fleas and ticks, and bathe your dog periodically. Problems are easier to treat if they are detected early so if you see redness, swelling or discharge, consult your vet.

6. Urinary Tract Infection
Inflammation of the urinary bladder is usually caused by a bacterial infection. Provide fresh clean water aplenty and give your dog many opportunities to urinate. Reducing the need to “hold it” can help prevent infections.

7. Conjunctivitis
Another issue is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the tissue coating the eye and lining the eyelids. There isn't much you can do to prevent conjunctivitis. However, you can reduce the likelihood of your dog's eyes becoming irritated by preventing things from blowing into them. If you use spray cleaners, paints, or other aerosols that may irritate the sensitive eye tissue, remove your dog from the area until they are out of the air.

8. Mass
Skin growths or masses are lumps of tissue that are within or can be felt under the skin. There is nothing you can do to prevent skin masses but early treatment and surgical removal are much more affordable than more complex procedures. At times, these prove to be benign fatty tumors, but make sure your vet checks out any mass or growth to be safe.

9. Giardia
This is an easier one to prevent. Giardia is a protozoan parasite found all over the world, which frequently causes diarrhea. It is common in animals under close confinement, such as those in kennels, animal shelters, and pet stores. Giardia is common in contaminated water. Prevent your dog from drinking out of old or muddy water puddles, especially in dog parks.

10. Foreign Body Ingestion
This happens when an indigestible object is caught in your dog's stomach or intestines. To prevent problems, keep all items your dog might ingest -- but shouldn't -- out of his or her reach. Observe behavior when playing with toys to ensure your dog doesn't try to “eat” them. Check toys regularly to make sure they are not getting too worn out.

Always Pay Attention to the Attitude, Too
Keep in mind your dog's general attitude can speak volumes. If you notice the head and tail are down and he or she seems quieter and less playful than usual, it can mean your dog is not feeling up to par. Dogs not feeling well may also skulk in corners, dig holes in the garden to lie in, or even perhaps appear unusually aggressive for no apparent reason. If you're worried or notice any unusual changes, always ask your vet for advice.

For pet-sitting with a personal touch, contact Dee Hopkins at 517.546.0439 and visit http://

Written by Dee Hopkins in collaboration with Ginger Sprinkle at nine dots branding & marketing company (

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